Slow, consistent Training results in a happier, well balanced horse or pony whether for show or recreation. Over 25 years experience training horses and bringing an approach working with the horse instead of forcing, bring better long term results.
Specializing in training issues and fine tuning for the up coming show seasons.
Negative Coggins test IS required on ANY OFF GROUNDS HORSE.
(fees include boarding)
1 month-------------------------------------------------800.00
2 + months---------------------------------------------700.00
1 month with Owner supplied feed/hay-------------550.00
2 + months Owner suppled feed/hay---------------450.00
or trailer in Trainer to School horse per ride-------45.00
Horse Training Training includes stall, feed, turnout, grooming & training.
Please call for prices as each horse is treated as the individual that they are.
Agent Fees
Horse Sales - 15% of price horse is sold
***Price is per horse***
- Must pay BEFORE show when entries are sent in!
- Price does NOT include entry fees for show.
* Local non-rated Shows/4-H Shows -----------------100
* Class A Shows (over 50 miles) -----------------------600
*Class A Shows (under 50 miles)----------------------400
* AHA Region 12 Championship Show--------------1,000
*USDF Region 3 Championship Show --------------1,000 (fl) 1,500 (out of state)
* AHA Region 14 and 15 Championship Shows ----1,500
* AHA Sport Horse Nationals ------------------------3,000
*Sport Horse Catch handling-
Mares--------------------------25.00 per class
Geldings----------------------25.00 per class
Stallions----------------------35.00 per class
Young horses/under 2-----40.00 per class
*Sport Horse Inspection Handling-
Premium or better Less than Premium
Mares------------------------------100.00 50.00
Geldings---------------------------100.00 50.00
Stallions---------------------------150.00 75.00
Young horses/under 2-----------125.00 60.00
+ fuel if I am making a special trip to handle. .80 per mile.
Discounts available if handling more than one horse
Coaching at Shows Regular lesson fee
* $1.00 per mile/$100 minimum
* Body clipping - $150
* Show Clip (face and legs) - $50
* Sanding and Finishing Hooves - $35
* Mane pulling - $15
* Mane Button Braiding - $40
* Mane/Tail French Braid - $45
* Photo/Video Shoot - $50