Welcome to our 31 acre facility! We offer VERY open and airy stable with 12 x 12 stalls with bars for even more ventilation, 1 fan, with packed floors, stall mats, and pine shavings.
*Horses fed consistently 2-3 x.
*Every stall has automatic water or large water bowl and a feed bucket that are routinely cleaned. Water is charted to prevent any health problems.
*Lovely grass turnouts with 3-board fencing and horse fencing and shady trees or loafing sheds. Evening or Day time turn out available with wonderful grass.
*Owner supplied supplements given
*Weekly Bran mash unless owner does not prefer it
*Owner supplied wormer given every other month
*Owner supplied fly spray applied
*Hosing in summer as needed
*Manager lives on site and stalls have surveillance cameras so your horse can be monitored without disturbance.
*Large, shady paddocks for turnout. Or smaller if preferred.
*Hot/Colt water on wash racks.
*20 x 40 m Dressage ring.
*60' privacy panel round pen.
*Also a grass, outdoor jump field, barrels, and cavalettis.

Instruction and training available in Dressage, H/J, C-T.

Full Board Options
A. 300/month - Owner Supplied Feed/hay
B. 450/month - SafeChoice/Timothy hay
C. 575/month - Seminole Compete Safe/Timothy Alfalfa hay
Partial Board - Owner Supplied Feed/Hay
250/month- Lean-to
Pasture board Single- Owner Supplied Feed/Hay
Paddocks are
1/2 acre------100/month
1 acre---------200/month
HORSES ARE NOT TURNED OUT TOGETHER unless they come IN as a pair due to liability reasons.
Multiple boarding discount available

Outside Trainer-----------------------------$10.00 plus proof of insurance
(any trainer coming on farm to teach)
Extra services available:
Farrier/Veterinarian Holding fee------------10.00 per 1/2 hour.
Standing Leg Wraps---------------------------15.00
Standing Leg Wraps/Poultice----------------25.00
Cold Hosing------------------------------------15.00 20 minute session.
Wrapping shoe----------------------------------5.00
Wrapping hoof/medicated-------------------20.00
Hauling--------------------------------------------.80 per mile
Lay Over's--------------------------------------20.00 per night
Eye Rehabbing---------------------------------50.00 per day
(Veterinarian supervision).
Vacation Boarding-----------------------------30.00 per day
Horses MUST be UTD on Coggins and Current Vaccine Certificate from Veterinary of:
VEWT., Rhino/Flu, West Nile, Strangles(all within 6 months), and Rabies (current to one year) .
These vaccines MUST be current within one year or given 2 weeks PRIOR to boarding or laying over at this facility. NO exceptions WHAT SO EVER.
Please call or email for further information.
Mary: 386.279.9256 mgrh@hotmail.com