Mary Baldauff
Date of Birth: 1/18/1974
Location:DeLeon Springs, FL
Competing Discipline:Dressage/Sport Horse
Marital Status:Single
Specialties:Being Kind. Being Patient. "I have patience, and don't give up easily."
I remember begging for a horse like every little girl from a very young age. My first horse and I spent many wild races through the woods jumping whatever got in our way. And by the grace of God and Guardian Angels, never was seriously hurt during that time. My mother decided I needed a little "reining" in and started me in lessons.
After a year or so doing hunters, I moved to jumpers. My passion for trails, speed, and jumping led me to 3-Day Eventing under the tutelage of Hilda Hick & USET member Jim Graham. I've been lucky enough to train with Ralph Hill, Jimmie Wolf, Ian Miller, and Jos Sevriens (Dutch 3-Day Olympic Coach). I spent 8 years eventing, which eventually led to the prestigious win of Area III USCTA Rider of the Year.
During that time I also seemed to be acquiring quite a taste and "feel" for Dressage. I trained with USET rider Nancy M. Smith for a few years then she introduced me to her coach, 3 x Olympian, Michael Poulin. I've been training with Michael and Sharon since 1993 and feel very fortunate to have them help sculpt my riding style.
I am enjoying competing my Holsteiner stallion, Lautrec, at the PSG Level in Dressage and working with his offspring. Katherine Poulin rode him in 2009 to get his required PSG scores and I will be spending the next year getting his licenses ISR/Oldenburg, Dutch, and AWR.
As much as I love my springy Warmbloods, I absolutely LOVE showing Arabians and Half Arabians! Its just a super fun atmosphere and they have THE best Awards! Who doesn't like wining lovely rose garlands??? :D I was fortunate enough break a few AHA records on Lautrec's daughter, Charisma, out of an Arabian mare, Alada La Femme her first year U/S. At only being ridden 3 x a week for 20 minutes maybe each ride, this little girl started her career being booting from Intro Level Dressage her first weekend by scoring WELL over 75% (you have to move up to Training Level if 2 or more scores of 75% and above are achieved... her first show she received a 79% and then a 81%!). Still a 3 year old, she won every class she went in at the AHAF show. She broke AHA records by being the youngest horse to win the Open Sport Horse U/S, Open Training Level, and Highest Scored young horse in Dressage to that date. She won her Sport Horse Jr. Horse U/S class, Sport Horse Open U/S Class, Training Level Open and Training Level Championship. And she won ALL four Championships that week. She repeated these wins in January at Silver Sands, and again in February at Canterbury. And topped them all by winning each Region 12 Championship and again breaking AHA records by still being the youngest horse to win each one. So much fun!
I also spent many years on the Appaloosa show circuits showing H/J, Western Pleasure, Trail, and Showmanship. I owe ALL my grooming skills to the hundreds of "Grooming & Conditioning" classes at Open Shows too!
I always have a difficult time bragging about awards and wins, but can say I've received numerous Regional and National Championships with the USDF. Several AHA Championships and USCTA Championships and, USCTA Area III Rider of the Year.
With my Appaloosa gelding, Aztec, I qualified 3 years in a row for the Appaloosa World Championships in H/J, Western Pleasure, Showmanship, and Dressage Suitability. Something I'm pretty proud of because I started this guy myself. :)

Interesting Facts:
*I am a Vegan.
Veganarian? I can't truly claim to be a Vegan when they protest exploiting animals in any way. In that defense I will say, you would have to watch Charisma while I am packing for a show, or see her compete. She and I are the most competitive creatures out there that I know of! :D She actually talks to me while I am walking past her paddock and stall packing the horse trailer.
*I have VERY strict contracts on the horses I sell and breed to ensure they do not add to the slaughter pipelines at all.
*I have a dent/scar over my left brow from getting between a kill buyer beating a horse on to a trailer and I'm proud to show it off!
*I protest circuses any chance I get! Please google circus animal cruelty and educate yourself! And rodeos as well. Those horrors should be left in the past and we should strive for Animal Free Circuses and shut rodeous down entirely.
*All of my dogs are adopted or rescued
*I frequently foster dogs to avoid them being PTS at "shelters" with a very minimal hold time. PLEASE open your heart and home to fostering! It is a WONDERFUL thing to save a life and show them love when they had none before!
*If my hair isn't at my waist, then I cut it off again for Wigs For Kids. I joke about being a playdough doll where you squeeze them and the hair grows like crazy? Has to be a reason for that, and I am happy to donate it!
*I lovvvvvvvvvvvve foals! I am like a kid on Christmas Eve as soon as I KNOW a mare is close! I normally help with each foaling and cry every time one is born and every time one I raised is sold.
*I am addicted to Giant Smarties
We may not always like the paths we're on, but God puts you on those paths to end up where you need to be in life. :D

Lautrec and I competing at Canterbury

Charisma and I taking a break at the AHAF Thanksgiving show. Charisma is by Lautrec out of Aladda LA Femme and my baby girl always!

Reignof Fire (aka: Jazz)'s first day outside.
What a little Gremlin!

All That Glitters (aka: Glitter) first time on her feet just after 2am! :D